Notice of Electronic Filing Phishing Scam
The District of Idaho has received information that fake Notices of Electronic Filing (NEF) are circulating nationwide. If the recipient responds to the message, they are sent a follow-up email containing a link to access a document that leads the recipient to a malicious website.
Judge Dale requires the parties to strictly comply with the meet and confer requirements of Dist. Idaho Loc. Civ. R. 37.1 prior to filing any discovery motions. Although emails or letters may, in some cases, satisfy the meet and confer requirement depending upon the complexity of the dispute, Judge Dale considers an in person, telephonic, or video conference the best practice in complying with the Rule.
If the parties have complied with the meet and confer requirements of Dist. Idaho Loc. Civ. R. 37.1, but still deem court intervention necessary for resolution of a discovery dispute, the parties MUST contact Chambers at (208) 334-9111 and inform the law clerk assigned to the case of the existence of the dispute prior to filing a motion.
The matter then may proceed on an expedited basis, in which the parties will be allowed to file condensed briefs summarizing the dispute and the parties’ respective positions without the formalities and extended briefing schedule set forth in Dist. Idaho Loc. Civ. R. 7.1.
Meet and Confer Requirement: Dist. Idaho L. Rule 37.1
Form of Discovery Motions: Dist. Idaho L. Rule 37.2