IMAGE: "Sawtooth National Forest - Stanley, Idaho"


District of Idaho

Clerk of Court Stephen W. Kenyon

Public 2 New
U.S. Courts District of Idaho Seal
United States District & Bankruptcy Courts
Obtaining Case Info

How to Obtain Case Information

1.  Internet (PACER)

Contact the PACER Service Center at for registration information about obtaining a PACER account. PACER fees apply. Please note that documents are not available in PACER for cases that were filed before December 1, 2003, and have been closed for more than one year. 

2.  Visit the Clerk’s office

Public terminals are located at the Clerk's offices in Boise, Coeur d'Alene and Pocatello to view the public dockets on cases free of charge. Fees apply if items are printed from the docket.  Credit cards and debit cards are not accepted at the Clerk’s office.

Please visit our Contact Us page for office hours and locations. 

3. Via telephone

Limited Bankruptcy Court case information is available through the automated Voice Case Information System (VCIS). Please call 866-222-8029 or visit our VCIS page for more information. Automated service for District Court case information is not available at this time.

You may also call the Clerk's office during telephone hours. 



How to Obtain Case Documents

1.  Internet (PACER)

Contact the PACER Service Center at for registration information about obtaining a PACER account. PACER fees apply. Please note that documents are not available in PACER for bankruptcy cases that were filed before December 1, 2003, and have been closed for more than one year. For copies of such documents, you may visit, or mail your request to, the Clerk’s office.

2.  Visit the Clerk’s office

If you come to the Clerk's office in person for your copies, the copy fee is $0.10 per page when using the computer in the court’s lobby.  A copy fee of $0.50 per page applies if a clerk makes the copies. A certification fee applies for each document that needs a certification, see the District Court Fees.

Credit cards and debit cards are not accepted at the Clerk’s office.

3.  Mail a request to the Clerk’s office

If you mail a copy request to the Clerk's office, the copy fee is $0.50 per page.  An certification fee applies for each document that needs a certification, see the District Court Fees.

Each written request should:
• state the party's (e.g. debtor, plaintiff, defendant, petitioner) name and case number
• state documents to be copied
• state your name (if you are not the party of said case) and daytime phone number
• provide a self-addressed, stamped envelope

Requests can be remitted to the Clerk's office nearest you:

U.S. Courts   U.S. Courts U.S. Courts
550 W. Fort St #400  6450 N. Mineral Dr. 801 E. Sherman St. #119
Boise, ID 83724   Coeur d'Alene, ID 83815 Pocatello, ID 83201

If the documents you are looking for were filed more than 20 years ago, they may no longer be available. Older cases are stored at the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) in Seattle, Washington. Call the Clerk’s office to check on the location of the file. If the case was sent to the National Archives (“archived”), fees will apply to retrieve the documents.  Please visit our Retrieve a Court File page for more information.  


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