US Flag TUESDAY, MARCH 25, 2025
IMAGE: "Sawtooth National Forest - Stanley, Idaho"


District of Idaho

Chief Judge David C. Nye

Public 2 New
U.S. Courts District of Idaho Seal
District Self Representation (Pro Se)
Self Representation
Filing a Complaint and Representing Yourself

What does Pro Se mean

“Pro se” is a Latin phrase meaning “for oneself” or “on one’s own behalf.” A party to a lawsuit who does not have a lawyer, but instead represents himself, is appearing in the lawsuit “pro se.”

General Information

You will find the instructions and common forms necessary to file an Idaho Diversity Complaint or an Idaho Federal Question Complaint on this page.

You may pay the required filing fee which is designated under the Fees section of the Court's web page, or you may file and In Forma Pauperis Application; meaning without fees.

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