US Flag TUESDAY, MARCH 25, 2025
IMAGE: "Sawtooth National Forest - Stanley, Idaho"


District of Idaho

Chief Judge Noah G. Hillen

Public 2 New
U.S. Courts District of Idaho Seal
Bankruptcy Court General Information
Court Information
Bankruptcy County Assignments

Bankruptcy County Assignments

Updated on Sep 17, 2014

Southern Division (Boise):
Ada, Adams, Boise, Canyon, Elmore, Gem, Owyhee, Payette, Valley, Washington

Northern Division (Coeur d'Alene):
Benewah, Bonner, Boundary, Kootenai, Shoshone

Central Division (Moscow):
Clearwater, Idaho, Latah, Lewis, Nez Perce

Eastern Division (Pocatello/Twin Falls):
Bannock, Bear Lake, Bingham, Blaine, Bonneville, Butte, Camas, Caribou, Cassia, Clark, Custer, Franklin, Fremont, Gooding, Jefferson, Jerome, Lemhi, Lincoln, Madison, Minidoka, Oneida, Power, Teton, Twin Falls

Idaho Bankruptcy Trustees

Idaho Bankruptcy Trustees

Updated on Dec 10, 2024

Chapter 7 Trustees


J Ford Elsaesser (Ch 7 & 12)
ph:  (208) 263-8871
fax: (208) 263-8517
POB 2220
Sandpoint, ID  83864

cases not assigned 6/1/2024

Patrick Geile (Ch 7)
ph:  (208) 947-1575
953 S Industry Way
Meridian, ID 83642


David P Gardner (Ch 7)
ph:  (208) 667-2103
ph:  (509) 838-6131 (Spokane)   
Coeur d’Alene, ID 83814

cases not assigned after 3/2024

R Sam Hopkins (Ch 7)  
ph:  (208) 478-7978
POB 3014
Pocatello, ID  83206

cases not assigned after 3/31/2022

Timothy R Kurtz (Ch 7)
ph:  (208) 287-8125
fax:  (208) 287-8130
POB 956
Boise, ID  83702

John D Munding (Ch 7)
ph:  (509) 390-3849
9425 N Nevada St, Ste 212
Spokane, WA 99218

Kim Stevens (Ch 7)                     
ph: (801) 393-5555    
fax: (801) 392-1637
1104 Country Hills Dr, Suite 750             Ogden, UT 84403




Chapter 12 Trustees


J Ford Elsaesser (Ch 7 & 12)
ph:  (208) 263-8871
fax: (208) 263-8517
POB 2220
Sandpoint, ID 83864

cases not assigned 6/1/2024

Gary L Rainsdon (Ch 12)
ph:  (208) 734-1180
fax: (208) 734-2783
POB 506
Twin Falls, ID  83303

Chapter 13 Trustees  

Kathleen McCallister (Ch 13)
ph:  (208) 922-5100
fax: (208) 922-5599
POB 1150
Meridian, ID 83680


Chapter 11 Subchapter V Trustees


Christy L Brandon
ph:  (406) 837-5445
POB 1544
Bigfork, MT 59911

Matthew W Grimshaw
ph:  (208) 391-7860
800 W Main St, Ste 146
Boise, ID 83702

Gary Rainsdon
ph:  (208) 734-1180
POB 506
Twin Falls, ID 83303



Ninth Circuit Library - Boise

Ninth Circuit Library - Boise


The United States Courts for the Ninth Circuit has a library in the Federal Building in Boise.  For information on access to the library in Boise, see the Public Access Policy as well as Local Rule 77.3.

Contact Information:
U.S. Courts Library



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